Outreach and Mission
Food Resources
Blessing Box - Located on the west side of the church, this cabinet is available 24/7 and provides shelf-stable food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Food Pantry - The food pantry is open the second and fourth Tuesday of each month from 1 to 3 pm and offers a selection of food items.
Second Saturday Homeless Outreach
New Hope comes alongside neighbors who are currently homeless with friendship, encouragement, food, clothing, bedding, and toiletry items. On the second Saturday of each month from 9:30 AM-Noon, volunteers from New Hope travel downtown and across OKC to support our homeless neighbors.
Whiz Kids
Each Monday afternoon during the school year at New Hope, Whiz Kids brings together caring adults and elementary-age children for one-on-one tutoring and mentoring. New Hope partners with Ralph Downs Elementary.
Project Transformation
Project Transformation is an eight-week summer day camp for elementary school students that focuses on reading improvement while offering many fun activities. Project Transformation takes place at six United Methodist Churches across Oklahoma, including New Hope UMC.
Celebrating/Strengthening Families:
Partnering with Oklahoma County Drug Court, Specialized Outpatient Services, and Catalyst, New Hope hosts families working to overcome addictions. Each week, New Hope provides meeting space, a meal, and nursery care while family members participate in the nationally-recognized curricula Strengthening Families and Celebrating Healthy families.
Exodus House OKC
Exodus House OKC provides a nurturing and accountable environment where individuals newly released from prison can begin their life again. New Hope sponsors an apartment at Exodus House and supports other needs of Exodus House OKC residents.
Skyline Urban Ministry
New Hope supports the work of Skyline Urban Ministry in several ways, including by donating eyeglasses and clothing. New Hope sends teams and invites individuals to volunteer at Skyline. Additionally, New Hope supports Skyline seasonal events such as Undie Sunday which provides new socks and underwear to school-age children
Boy Scouts of America
New Hope is proud to host BSA Troops 162, 6162, and Pack 599. Throughout the year, New Hope members and troop leaders collaborate on a different mission work to serve our neighbors.
School Partnerships
New Hope is committed to supporting our partners in education. Each year, New Hope meets with school leaders at Putnam City North High School and Ralph Downs Elementary to discern ways that the New Hope community can help strengthen their work throughout the school year.
Stitchers Sewing Group
Stitchers Sewing Group: Blankets, pillowcases, and more are created by the Stitchers and given to patrons of social services agencies such as The Infant Crisis Center and the YWCA. The Stitchers sewing group typically meets twice each month.
Warm Fuzzies for First Responders
Each year, several hundred new or like-new stuffed animals are collected and given to first responders to comfort children in difficult moments.
Oklahoma Volunteers in Mission Trips:
New Hope members participate in short-term mission trips across the United States and outside of the United States each year.