New Hope KidsMin!

We are dedicated to guiding children into a growing relationship with God and others by creating a loving environment in which children are encouraged to learn, serve and grow in their faith; to positively affect the world around them! 

Children's Ministry Sunday Morning:

Children's Church: During both worship services (8:45am and 11am) non-Communion Sundays - Children begin each of these services by either gathering with Ms. Luisa (our director) and Ms. Lois (our assistant director) in the gathering area, right in front fo the front doors, OR they can begin each service in big church with their families! Each service will have a Children’s Moment where children are invited to come down front and hear a small message from Ms. Luisa. After that, they will leave the sanctuary and go to the gym area (located on the north side of the church building) for Children’s Church. This is a time of singing, praying, reading scripture, and having a small object lesson based on the sermon series happening in big church.

Children's Church: During both worship services (8:45am and 11am) COMMUNION SUNDAYS *first Sunday of each month*: Children will gather with Ms. Luisa and Ms. Lois in the gathering area and then will go to the gym area (located on the north side of the church building) for Children’s Church. After the sermon is done in big church, the children will be brought back to their families in big church to take Holy Communion with them.

Sunday School: 10am - Children meet in the gym! Our gym is located in the back area of the church, on the north side of the building. In the classrooms off of the gym, we meet for Sunday School in PreK-Kinder, 1st-2nd grade and 3rd-5th grade classes. Children also receive donuts as a part of Sunday school each week, so if your child has any food allergies please be sure to disclose them to the director or teacher in their classroom. They are ready for pick up at 10:50am in the gym!

Other Meeting Times:

Sunday Night: 5:00-7:00 pm - On Sunday nights Children’s ministry meets for a fun time of fellowship, dinner, and lesson. While the lessons and activities are creative, there are also connections to the life of the church and world.  

Wednesday Night: During the school year, beginning the Wednesday after Labor Day, our children meet at 6pm for Children’s Choir and then at 6:30pm-7:3pm for class time! Our Community Meal begins at 5:30pm!



Do you have any questions or are looking for more information about our New Hope KidsMin? Contact our KidsMin team below!

Luisa Medina, Director of Children’s and Family Ministry
