New Hope UMC
New Hope United Methodist Church is a place of worship, connection, and service.
Join this community of faith in weekly worship with traditional services held at 8:45am and 11am every Sunday.
Whether it is preschool, children, youth, or adult, there are opportunities for everyone to connect and learn with and from others.
No one can change the world alone, but everyone can do something. Mission opportunities of all kinds are available.
New Hope United Methodist Church is a Lighthouse Congregation
Lighthouse Congregations are local churches in the Oklahoma Annual Conference that are willing to offer ministry to anyone whose church has closed or disaffiliated and who wish to remain a United Methodist. The role of the congregation is to be a safe place where persons can find a life with God and a community of faith where they can also support the church with their prayers, presence, gifts, and service. It may also be a place where these persons are encouraged to take opportunities offered by the Annual Conference/local church to grieve the loss of their previous family of faith and the life that they had in that church. Offering these persons, the opportunity to grieve in a safe place is important for the well-being of their lives. Click HERE for more information on Lighthouse Congregations.